Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Risk in Eve

Something I've been planning for a while is to write about risk taking in the Universe of New Eden. Every game involves a certain risk while playing, maybe it's game money, stats or special items but almost always there's a risk of losing assets while you try to gain assets or complete mission objectives.
Eve online is no exception, in fact it involves the highest risk a player can put himself into. Almost every action you preform is risk-linked and the game punishes you hard for every bad decision you make and it's not simple to collect wealth. Not even to mention the player base griefers, scammers, thief's, spies, etc.

Because of this New Eden has become known for being a big bad world where you can trust no one or anything. Of course these are all ingredients for a great sandbox MMO experience but it also created this weird mindset into the brain of many high sec. residents.

I've lived in high sec for almost a year getting to know the basics and reading up and learning all kinds of stuff game related. It was all good, being a resident of a small mining corp I always had friends to mine with or do missions.

Still I wanted to explore and walk the line of what was possible and experience New Eden fully. Venturing through low sec wasn't something my corp mates endorsed and they would avoid every fight they could, even when we outnumbered our opponents 3-1. In a way I understood as every ship lost is a step back from your goal so every risk is being avoided.  But what's the purpose of making isk just for the sake of making isk? Veteran high sec residents (care bears) have the tendency to scare off the new players from doing anything outside of high sec as they predict a certain loss with every kind of venture out in the unknown. Only skilling up for a long time in combination with a T2 ship would get you out alive so staying safely in high sec is the best option. At least that's what they want you to believe or maybe that's what they believe themselves.  That's the impression high sec life left on me and I'm still trying to get rid of that false mindset. One time too many I've been sitting bored in my high sec station, scared of exploring my surroundings because of a false myth. Finally I left for null sec, never to look back.

I know Eve is still a sandbox game and everyone is free to choose the way they want to play, but the experience I got since I moved out of care bear land was way more satisfying for me personally and I kinda wished I made the move a few months earlier. So some advice for the new players, don't listen too much to al the scary stories you hear floating around New Eden and find out for yourself what's true and what's not. You will probably lose some ships but the learning process and experience is worth a lot more than a few million of isk.

I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. 
~Pablo Picasso

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